Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Vitamins & Cancer

The relationship between vitamins and cancer, specifically vitamin A, B complex, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin K are discussed in a review completed by Mamede et al. (2012).  The pathway in which vitamin A achieves anticarcinogenic effects is poorly understood, but research has demonstrated promising roles in the prevention and treatment of many cancers. B complex functions as many coenzymes and are important methylators in cellular processes, thus influencing cancer via proto-oncogenes. Research has repeatedly demonstrated the benefits of vitamin C where pharmacologic concentrations act as proxidants harming cancer cells without damaging normal cells in the body.

Mamede, A. C., Tavares, S. D., Abrantes, A. M., Trindade, J., Maia, J. M., & Botelho, M. F. (2011). The role of vitamins in cancer: a review. Nutrition and Cancer, 63(December 2012), 479–494. doi:10.1080/01635581.2011.539315

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